Disaster Recovery Solutions

Disaster recovery solutions are made easy by partnering with Virtual Communications LLC and Expedient.

Mike Gonard (left), Solutions Architect and Skip Irwin (right), Account Executive from Expedient host David Bridge Jr at their Allegheny Center Mall Data Center in Pittsburgh.

Diaster Recovery Solutions for Small Business - Expedient Data Center Tour
Mike Gonard and Skip Irwin of Expedient Host David Bridge Jr from Virtual Communications LLC for a data center tour.

The Support Center, security measures and redundancy features were all showcased during the tour.

Power is redundant with two generators and multiple battery backups.  These measures also provide clean power.

data center generators


When the owner toured one facility he realized there was only one generator.  The next week, it issued the purchase order for the second.

Data Center power plant

Connections to the outside network are redundant through every carrier available and delivered on diverse paths.  This ensures you can always have access to your information.

Using Infrastructure as a Service – IaaS makes common sense as well as dollars and cents versus the traditional on site model of hosting your own IT devices for disaster recovery solutions.

Data Center-OSC in background

Their state of the art facility is completely secure and totally redundant in every measure. Gaining access to the facility requires multiple steps of authentication.  Everyone must register to gain entrance.  No one enters the facility without an escort.

Data Center Security Pic


Any size company can feel comfortable in their IT Disaster Recovery Solutions for Small Business when they integrate some facet of what Expedient has to offer.

The facility is designed for maximum efficiency for it’s cooling capacity to keep servers running smooth.

For a Free “What To Consider When Creating A Disaster Recovery Plan Checklist” Click Here

Reach out to David Bridge Jr or Skip Irwin directly for more information:

814 317 6470