Hosted Phone Systems’ 5 Critical Elements for Success

Ensure You Have At Least 3 of These 5 Essential Elements for Hosted Phone Systems

As Cloud PBX’s or Hosted Phone Systems grow in popularity, don’t just succumb to their hype.  Investigate the list below

  1. Good internet connection.  Hosted phone systems need solid internet connections with minimal jitter, latency and packet loss.  If these parameters are not good, you’ll experience  bad quality conversations.  They will sound choppy.  You will have echoes.  Also delays or periods of silence will be noticed.  Jitter needs to stay below 40ms.  Latency that goes above 150ms starts to deteriorate calling.  Packet loss needs to stay below 1% in order to carry on a conversation.  A good link to test these out is here:

Hosted Phone Systems Test Results

  1. Good LAN. Your wiring and devices on your Local Area Network can have the same effect on voice quality as the connection itself.  Making sure servers that can specifically permit VoIP calls do just that goes a long way.  Also, if no distinctions can be made on simpler routers, just making sure non essential traffic takes less priority may be a way to go.
  2. Any and every call traverses the internet.  It can sometimes take a few seconds to make the connection regardless of the quality of your internet connection.  Also, simply programming a key on your phone can take a few minutes since the phone needs to reboot and load the programming.
  3. Some need for mobility. Mobile applications on your smart phone can make calling and receiving calls very easy.  If there isn’t a need for this for someone in your business, it obviously negates the benefit.
  4. Comfort with technology. Web interfaces let users program calling schedules and routes for their station.  It is easy to do, but does require some confidence with these interfaces.  You’ll also want to be able to make sense of the above mentioned parameters to ensure continued call quality with hosted phone systems.

You can also simply contact us here: Contact Virtual Communications and have a no nonsense conversation now about communications systems for you business.

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