5 Reasons For Business Hosted Phone System

Great Reasons for Cloud PBX Also Known as Business Hosted Phone System

A Business Hosted Phone System is getting a lot attention these days.  They have a lot of good things going for them.  Here are some of those things.


Here are the top five reasons to get a business hosted phone system.

  1. No Capital Expense. When a business subscribes to a business hosted phone system, depending on the provider, the actual phones are included in the price of the subscription.  So, there is no up-front capital expense to implement a new communications platform.  There may be a minimal installation charge.  The ongoing subscription is an operational expense.  Consult your tax advisor, but it should be a tax write off.  It also does your business grows, there aren’t any circuit cards or system expansion modules needed.  If you need a new phone you just call and add a new phone to your infrastructure.  It grows as your business grows.
  2. Business Continuity. With a premise based phone system, if the power goes out, the phones will go down with it unless a battery backup is in place.  Even then, it won’t last a long time.  With a Business Hosted Phone System, calls are automatically rerouted to programmed destinations during outages.  Even if a single phone extension goes offline, calls to it are rerouted automatically.
  3. Call Routing. Calls can be routed to a number of destinations even without a power outage.  When a call goes to a particular user, the user can program a desk phone, a cell phone, home phone etc to ring simultaneously, if they want to be that available.  Calls can be routed according to the time of day as well with simple user interfaces.
  4. Mobile applications allow users to make and take calls using their smart phones and maintain the appearance of being on site of the business.  All of the features of a premise phone are made available with these apps and allow full mobility.
  5. One number. Since the apps are now able to be downloaded to smart phones, this promotes the feature of having only one number that will reach a user regardless of where they are.  No more calling home, then the cell, then the office.  One number is all there is and it can ring every phone.

There are a few more reasons to take advantage of a cloud phone system.

For additional information, Call David Now:



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VirtualComm's David Bridge Jr gives the Top 5 Reasons for a Business Hosted Phone System
VirtualComm’s David Bridge Jr gives the Top 5 Reasons for a Business Hosted Phone System